Job Description
1. 本科及以上在校学生,计算机及相关专业,或具有计算机使用背景的其它专业
2. 技术要求:
- 熟悉Linux操作系统,C/C++编程
- 对于计算机体系架构以及处理器微架构有一定了解
- 良好的沟通交流能力
- 适应跨国公司的多文化能力
- 解决问题的能力:快速的发现以及解决问题;收集及分析信息的能力?
- 具有创造性的观点和思路
Job Description
In this position, you will be part of a SMG team and collaborate with SSG. You will be involved in HPC system administration (system configuration, account management, daily maintenance), and HPC software engineering (tracing and developing HPC technology, performance tuning optimization).
1. You should possess a Bachelor's or a Master's or above in Computer Science or similar majors.
2. Technical qualifications:
- Skills and/or Experience in parallel programming and performance tuning skills and high throughput computing like Many Integrated Core Architecture and development.
- Deep Knowledge of HPC workload and algorithms, computer architecture and Micro-architecture
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills
- Ability to work in a multi-cultural Environment
- Problem Solving: Identify and resolve problems in a timely manner; Gather and analyze information skillfully
- Innovation: Develops innovative approaches and ideas
- Familiar with performance profiling tools
- Expert on Linux, C and/or C++ programming
3. Skills needed:
Fast learner
Being independent, proactive, responsible and patient for daily work
Being good at time management
Language: Being fluent in reading, writing, listening and speaking of English is prefer
Please use the subject as “HPC+ College+ Name+ Major+ grade+ graduate time+ available working days/week” to email address: HRbeijing@intel.com
FROM 119.253.60.*