实习生-Software Development Intern
请有意者登陆jobs.agilent.com, search req no#2058158, 提交简历.
职位编号: 2058158
Job Title: Intern for Software Application Development on RF Measurements
Job Level: Internship
Description: Develop software tools and applications for RF transceiver tests with Agilent test instruments
- Work with Agilent R&D team on RF transceiver measurements with Agilent instruments
- Integrate various measurements into software application and tools
- Develop graphic user interfaces for overall software application
- Master or above with EE/CS education background, major in RF or communications.
- Fluent C# on visual studio is must
- Need relative experience in making RF measurements and controlling test instruments
- Strong learning ability and communication skills
- Good team-working spirit
- Good English in read and writing
FROM 57.72.27.*