HR Intern for Training 1. Main Responsibilities:
-North Asia training needs implementation
-Assist North Asia training team with the administration of day-to-day human resources operations and duties.
-Filing & Data Input;
-staffing logistics;
-North and South Asia training team
- All dept. managers
3.Main Requirements:
-Good written and spoken English
-Good communication skills
-Hard-working, capability to learn fast, meticulous, sense of confidentiality
-Team-work oriented
-Good organization skill
-Educational background: Bachelor or Master
The Mission:
o He/she will be working on training needs application, in charge of all North Asia’s training needs.
o Participate in training that enhance and promote our company’s training quality .
o Participation in training vender management
Main Requirements
o Proficient in MS Office Applications: Excel, PowerPoint.
o Enjoy training management,
o Creative with a passion to convert an idea to reality.
o Good Analytical and Research skill.
o Good Presentation and communication skills
o A good team player and ability to work under pressure
o Proficient in Oral & Written English
If you are interested , pls send your CV to
Huiyi.Deng@gemalto.com The title should be "Name+HR T&D Intern" 有兴趣的同学简历请投递至:
实习期间有 100-160/d 的实习补贴
工作地点在 北京市朝阳区将台路6号丽都广场-丽都写字楼,三元桥地铁站附近
ps.公司是业内领导者,软件大牛藏龙卧虎,是难得的提升自己硬件实力和背景履历的好机会。另外,公司内部气氛很温馨,香甜饼干不间断供应、员工都非常热情善良无私~ 我们会在收到简历后尽快安排面试.小伙伴们尽快投递简历啊!!!
金雅拓(泛欧交易所代码:NL 0000400653 GTO) 是全球数字安全领域的领导厂商,2013年营业收入达24亿欧元,全球拥有12,000多名员工。在44个国家设立了85个办事处以及25个研究及软件开发中心。
垂询详情,请访问: www.gemalto.com/china ,www.justaskgemalto.com,blog.gemalto.com
FROM 61.148.52.*