2016, 2017年毕业的硕士研究生感兴趣的,希望实习期不少于6个月。请发您的简历附件到haozd#cn.ibm.com, #换为@,标题加注: 实习生应聘 , 不在北京的上学的同学,请填写您是否能来北京实习,实习多长时间。
System z Software Engineer
Location: Beijing
Are you looking for a job which will provide you an opportunity to pursue a long term career development in rapid changed IT industry? Are you willing to work on such a computer system which is the major origin of all commercial data in the world and used by almost all the Fortune 100 companies? Do you know that mainframe is modernizing and simplifying with modernized technology like Cloud, BigData, Analysis, Social, Mobile, etc.? Welcome to GCG STG Labs Platform Evaluation Test and Service Test team which was has found more than 15 years. You have chance to touch all IBM products and latest solution for huge enterprise such as Citi Bank and many other top 500 enterprise in the world. We expect to play more and more important roles in quality assurance, performance tuning and analysis, customer support and marketing influence on the mainframe operating systems.
We will provide training from basic knowledge to advanced technic, including system administration, operating system architecture, system development. Employee will grow up with the strongest mainframe skills in Integration Test, System test, System Administration and Application Development, Enterprise Solution Architecture etc.
This position is challenging and a great opportunity for new initiatives, talent development and technical skill growth. We are looking for self-starters with strong communication, problem-solving skills.
Job Requirements:
- Rich knowledge in operating system, like UNIX/Linux.
- Solid skills on at least one programming language like C/C++, or Assembler, or Java and JavaScripts/Dojo/JSP, Unix shell, COBOL,PLX,PL/I,Shell, JCL etc.
- Knowledge of Software Engineering, understand software development process and popular methodology, e.g. Agile
- z/OS background is preferred, system programming skill is plus
- RFT(Rational Functional Tester) skill is a plus
Other Required Skills:
- Bachelor degree above, Master degree preferred, major in computer science, software engineering, or relative areas.
- Good team player and quick learner
- Creative thinking and problem solving skills are strongly preferred
- Excellent oral and written skills in English
System z Software Engineer
工作地点: 北京
在科学技术迅速发展的今天,当你站在求职的十字路口,面对日新月异的IT技术,你是否考虑过寻求一份可以长期发展的职位?你是否想了解全球财富100强企业所用的计算机系统并从事相关工作?你是否想了接现代化的大型主机是如何与新兴技术例如云计算、大数据、分析、社交、移动紧密结合的吗? 中国有句古话叫‘以不变应万变’,大型主机自1964年诞生至今,经历了50余载,经历了阿波罗登月、美国人口普查、波音公司分机制造等辉煌历史,至今仍然是全球大型制造业、金融行业等公司的首选。在这50年中,计算机技术迅速发展,变的是技术和客户需求;其中不变的是大型主机对技术的卓越追求和不断创新以及各个大企业对大型主机的信赖和肯定,大型主机一直走在技术前沿,许多现在流行的计算机技术都能够在大型主机这个鼻祖中找到身影,例如虚拟化技术早在上世纪七十年代就广泛应用于大型主机中。如果你想了解大型主机,了解相关行业的解决方案,欢迎你加入系统技术部实验室Platform Evaluation Test and Service Test team,这个Team成立至今15年了,在这里你可以结识到许多从业超过20年仍对大型主机乐此不疲的专家,你可以了解到例如花旗银行、工商银行等全球五百强的IT解决方案,你可以对你的职业生涯做长远的规划。我们的主要工作包括对大型主机操作系统的质量保证、性能调试和分析、国内外客户支持等等。
- 丰富的操作系统知识,例如Unix/Linux.
- 至少精通一门编程语言,例如C/C++, or Assembler, or Java and JavaScripts/Dojo/JSP, Unix shell, COBOL,PLX,PL/I,Shell, JCL等。
- 具有软件工程知识,了解软件开发的各个流程以及流行的方法。
- 如果有z/OS的背景更佳。
- 如果有RFT(Rational Functional Tester) 技术更佳。
- 本科以上,最好是研究生学历,计算机科学技术、软件工程或相关专业。
- 快速学习和团队合作能力。
- 具有一定的创新和解决问题的能力。
- 优秀的英语口语和写作能力。
FROM 202.108.130.*