- 热爱汽车行业并认可戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰公司的企业文化和价值观
- 优秀的英语沟通能力及出色的团队精神
- 自信、自律和自我激励
- 愿意从基础、支持性工作做起
- 必须保证每周5天持续六个月的全职实习, 且实习期间保持学生身份
- 请将中英文简历发送到intern_china@daimler.com
- 请务必在邮件主题中注明:姓名、学校、专业、应届毕业生是否读研以及实习的时间段和应聘职位
Basic Requirement:
oMust stay student identity during whole internship
oMust fulfill 6 months internship, 5 days per week
oStarting date ASAP
Brief Description of Assignment:
oHandling the working instruction preparation, service sheets preparation and technical analysis report
Qualification Requirement:
oUniversity adn polytechnics students during the study period
oAbout car repair industry has a strong interest
oResponsibility and learning attitude
oKnows English and use of offices software for e.g. Power Point and Office
oTo be absent from work late and hard work
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