Job Code: S&TA-F1091R
Department:Sales and Trading Department
Location: Beijing
Job Description:
1.Execute A share and B share trade orders accurately and timely for institut
ional investor clients.
2.Provides continuous and accurate market data to sales traders in order to f
acilitate trading activities.
3.Provide full support to account coverage services including coordination ac
ross the Company’s divisions in the efforts of retaining and supporting clie
·Good market sense and in-depth knowledge in domestic capital market
·Knowledgeable in securities clearance & settlement
·Understanding the client’s investment behavior and trading instructions.
Skills and Abilities
·Service oriented mentality
·Effective communicator with good English ability
·Quick-minded and quick handed
·A good team player
·2 years plus experience as a dealer in domestic stock market
·Bachelor degree or above, preference for finance related major.
·License of securities trading
·Please send email and resume titled with “ST Dealer-Location-University-Ma
jor-Name” to talent@cicc.com.cn ASAP.
FROM 123.127.131.*