o 招聘公司:戴姆勒/梅赛德斯-奔驰研发中心
o 招聘部门:Telematics & Infotainment, User Interaction & Connected Car
o 实习类型:全职(实习期间必须保证学生身份)
o 实习时间:必须保证连续6个月(可续签)。每周工作五天(若临时有事可请假)。
o 工作内容:
我们部门主要做车联网和UI的相关工作。具体涉及车载系统的前期研发,语音识别,UI设计以及一些App的use case。同事都非常nice,工作气氛非常融洽,工作中可以学到很多东西。
o 基本要求:
Your responsibilities: 1. You will support us in our research activities and some programming work.
2. In this task you will collect relevant information, support the coordination of research activities and support to present the results.
3. Furthermore, we need also the support administrative work for the team.
Your profile: 1. Junior/Senior undergraduate student or graduate student in CS or Software Engineering.
2. Good written and spoken English is a must. It’s better if you can speak German.
3. Good Office skills (especially Excel).
4. Analytical skills, responsibility, engagement, team spirit, and communication skills are also required.
Addition:1. Applicants should remain to be registered students during entire internship.
2. It's a full time position, so 5 whole working days for 6 months is compulsory.
o 入职时间:通过简历筛选及面试后入职。
o 实习福利:工资税前3000/月,免费班车、咖啡水果,中午有桌上足球作为娱乐活动。
o 实习地点:北京市朝阳区望京东路6号望京国际研发园3期H座2层
o 招聘人数:1人,focus on Connected Car有意者请发送中英简历至yang.gu@daimler.com,并CC此邮箱:alice_gu2014@hotmail.com。
Update:由于UI的实习生已经招到,所以现在只招Connected Car的实习生※ 修改:·bearaoao 于 Jun 17 12:13:19 2015 修改本文·[FROM: 114.252.11.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区
http://www.newsmth.net·[FROM: 106.39.1.*]
修改:bearaoao FROM 114.252.11.*
FROM 106.39.1.*