Title: 实习生
Department: FM(FR)
Location: Beijing
Date of Hire: ASAP
Job Description:
·Assist in collecting and analyzing data/information on economics, capital markets and regulations/laws
·Independently covering capital market topics and writing professional reports/PPT slides
·Solving quantitative problems using financial engineering technics
Skills and Abilities:
·Sound knowledge of economics, capital markets and strategic / tactical asset allocation frameworks
·Interest in quantitative analysis, especially in its potential application for strategic and tactic asset allocation practices;
·Previous exposures on financial engineering practices, financial mathematics courses or research based on time-series analysis will be preferred
·Proficient in Stata/SAS, Matlab as well as Microsoft Office (Excel, PPT); knowledge of Bloomberg or CEIC will be appreciated
·Initiative with good interpersonal skills, be able to work independently and at the same time in a teamwork environment
·Students studying for master’s degree (graduating in 2016)
·Major in related fields of finance, financial engineering or mathematics
·Please send email and resume titled with “FM(FR)-Intern-University-Major-Name” to talent@cicc.com.cn ASAP.
FROM 123.127.131.*