1. 比较熟练的使用过至少一门编程语言,比如:C、C++、Java等,写过比较大(1000+行代码)的程序、软件更好。
2. 学过通信相关的基础课程,比如:通信原理、计算机网络、OSI七层模型等,如有路由器、交换机等相关网络设备的操作、使用经验更好。
3. 希望实习期能尽量保证半年以上,一周能尽量保证工作4天,实习1年以上优先录用。
4. 优先考虑2014年9月入学读研一的研究生同学。
★请将您的简历发送至:David.Wu@spirent.com ★
Script Developer in Global Services Department (Intern, need 3 person, Beijing)
Job Responsibilities
1. Design and implement automation test scripts;
2. Execute unit test, integration test and system test of test scripts;
3. Bug fix of test scripts
Job Requirements:
1. Good knowledge on TCL or C/C++ programming;
2. Knowledge of protocols and technologies, especially on IP, TCP, RIP, BGP4, ISIS, OSPF, HTTP, FTP;
3. Knowledge of network equipment: switches and routers
Qualifications (Education/Major/Certificates)
1. Master candidate, major in data communications or related;
2. Good communication skill;
3. Self-motivated team player;
4. Quick learner;
5. Guarantee working at least 4 full days per week;
6. Guarantee working at least 6 months.
★请将您的简历发送至:david.wu@spirent.com ★
北京市海淀区学院路35号世宁大厦13层 邮编:100191
13F, Shi Ning Tower, No.35 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District,Beijing, China Zip code: 100191
FROM 114.111.166.*