德国电信国际咨询公司汽车业务部急招Finance PTA
- 能保证实习期6个月或以上,每周不少于4天(必须保证时间),立刻入职
- 知名高校会计、税法在读,prefer研究生
- 做事情认真踏实,善于沟通,愿意承担挑战
- 英语能力强,擅长口语与写作
- 负责每月汽车业务部财务报销
- 熟悉税法、财务及相应的会计法规
- 辅助相关文档审核与整理
- 辅助项目招聘工作与一些项目研究支持
- 团队活动与会议组织协调
(请注明姓名 - 专业 - 学校 - 年级 - 每周天数- 可实习长度)
Detecon Consulting Ltd. – founded in 2002 – is a wholly foreign owned entit
y (WFOE) of Detecon International GmbH which itself is a subsidiary of T-Syst
ems, the business customer brand of Deutsche Telekom AG. More than 700 profes
sional consultants worldwide have successfully completed more than 3500 manag
ement and ICT projects in over 100 countries at over 100 telecommunications c
ompanies. Detecon helps its clients to develop innovative business models and
corporate strategies in telecommunications, automotive and high-tech industr
ies as well as in the public sector. The capabilities embrace strategy develo
pment and implementation, process improvement, ICT strategy development and i
mplementation, and interims and transformation management.
Detecon consulting projects are characterized by an integrated approach of ma
nagement and technology consulting. These cover each step from analysis via p
lanning and design up to implementation and operative business. Projects at C
hinese telecommunications operators benefit form close relations to the headq
uarters of Deutsche Telekom, one of the top telecommunications carriers world
wide in terms of innovations and quality. Moreover innovative concepts and me
thodologies can be transferred to the automotive and high-tech industries.
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