采购部实习生【100-200/天 丨 北京】
职位诱惑:独立自由的办公环境 零食饮料
1. 管理供应商:供应商信息收集整理,项目PO以及payment的跟进等(你可以接触到不同技术类的供应商以及有创意的广告供应商,简直棒棒哒)
2. 协助各类项目的竞标(你可以了解如何评估供应商,选择供应商,又是一个好的学习机会!)
3. 用Excel处理相关数据(有良好Excel基础的or愿意提高Execl水平的不要错过哦)
4. 其他事务如会见供应商,预订会议室等。
1. 研究生,能稳定实习的优先;有相关实习经验或商科背景的优先;
2. 每周工作5天,至少实习6个月
3. 熟悉Excel, Powerpoint和Word的使用
4. 成熟,独立,踏实细心,善于沟通,善于学习
5. 可在三月份下旬开始工作
1. 中英文简历各一份
2. 简历命名格式: 【实习】+姓名+学校+专业+年级+可开始实习的时间
Job Description:
- Assist procurement managers on Supplier Management, e.g. Data Processing; Purchasing Order tracking; Payment status tracking; Spending tracking etc.
- Assist procurement managers on Bidding projects, e.g. sourcing, Request For Proposal, online bidding etc.
- Responsible for day-to-day management of administrative issues of director/team such as meetings room booking .etc
-Other issues like POP audit, Agency Day or vendor visiting etc.
- Frequent communicate and coordinate with suppliers, finance, Marketing, and interns in those teams.
- Postgrad or undergrad students, with relevant major or experience is preferred
- Able to commit 3-4 days a week for at least 6 months (time commitment is a must, flexible weekly schedule open for negotiation)
- Good at Excel, PowerPoint and Word.
- Good communication skills in Mandarin and English
- Proactive, mature, passionate, down to earth and detail oriented
- Able to start around end of March, and take the internship at least for 6 months.
Interview: in early March
FROM 110.184.150.*