- 协助基金每日交易交割清算;
- 核对托管行数据;
- 负责每日基金净值清算事宜,并向上级提供基金现金和仓位报告;
- 处理基金申购赎回事项及数据
- 监督营运流程以及协助风险控制
- 参与与客户保持联系并提供相关资料
- 协助营运总监负责新产品的发行及后续维护工作
- 大学以上学历,有金融,会计,财务专业背景优先
- 有1-2年工作经验优先
- 工作耐心细致,责任心强,有良好的执行力及多任务处理能力
- 具有良好的数据分析能力,熟练运用Excel、Power Point等办公软件
- 英文书写和口语流利
Job Description:
- To conduct Settlement matching for security transactions
- To monitor and ensure the data from Custodian Bank
- To report daily NAV and position to senior and Portfolio Managers
- To deal with subscription and redemption of the products
- To support operational matter and risk control
- To maintain related clients
- To assist COO with launching new funds
- College or above, majoring in finance or accounting related majors
- 1-2 years working experiences preferred
- Careful, responsible, organized, and able to work under pressure
- Familiar with MS Office, especially EXCEL and POWERPOINT
- Fluent verbal and written in English
How to Apply:
Please email your resume to:
FROM 180.167.27.*