- 本次招人的公司为Primus HK ,是一个跨国金融集团旗下的一个PE firm, 在纽约、东京、香港等地有办公室,集团旗下还有保险、投行等不同金融公司(公司具体的介绍后文有,请关注)
- 该工作需要前往香港面试,公司会负责报销全部机票酒店费用,酒店是在中环顶尖的香格里拉、港丽之类,至少是一次免费的香港奢华之旅!
- 公司重视人才,所以无论实习还是全职,待遇都会非常好!!(可以参考entry level中,投行或顶尖咨询的薪资水平)
- 对于在校或应届生而言,这是一个top薪水的offer,起点高;对于有工作经验的人而言,公司的资源很多,支持有拼劲的人来负责公司某一块的业务,施展空间大
Open Positions:
- 两个岗位,Investment Analyst和Investor Relation Associate(岗位的具体介绍后文有,请关注)
- Fulltime, Summer Intern, Intern都有headcount,实习有机会拿到return offer
- 实习和全职试用期的工作地点都在香港
- 正式全职员工可以选择在香港、纽约、东京发展,根据个人意愿和公司需要而定
Main Requirements:
(1) 本科要求【国内顶尖名校】(清华、北大、上海交大、复旦、人大、浙大或同档次学校)或者【国外名校】
(2) 作为需要直接接触客户的岗位,要求候选人形象好气质佳,目前公司比较缺女生,所以基本只招女生(除非条件极为优秀的男生),女生通过的概率比较高;身高要求女生165cm以上,男生178cm以上(信息务必真实准确,其他条件特别优秀的身高可以稍微放宽)
(3) 在校各年级、应届、毕业3年以内均可,研究生和博士生优先,综合素质优秀的本科生亦可
(4) 专业背景不限,需要对金融有兴趣、有潜质
(5) 要求优秀的沟通表达能力;可靠的人品、工作责任心(公司主要业务是私募,收购等,客户资产庞大,许多时候需对客户资料进行保密);学生社团骨干优先
(6) 英语、普通话、日语、粤语流利者优先(如果文字功底好,可以不拘于此)
Application Materials:
(1) CV(English and Chinese) in PDF version,请将简历呈现在一个PDF中
(2) 3-4 Photos,需要清晰自然、高质量的照片,能展现出较好的个人形象气质
Application Method:
(1)单个文件的文件名为:“姓名-文件类型”,如“王某-CV”,“王某-照片1”,“王某-照片2”,“王某-照片3”, “王某-照片4”
(2)将这些文件【直接作为附件】(不要用压缩包)发送到邮箱【qin.jw@aliyun.com】,邮件的主题为“PE Fulltime/Intern-姓名-学校及学历-籍贯-身高-国籍-现居住地-简短特长介绍”(如果有研究生或博士学历的,按照本科、硕士、博士的顺序依次写上),如“PE Fulltime-张小花-本科清华大学,硕士哥伦比亚大学金融工程-上海-168-中国-纽约-海外交流丰富,会中文,英语,日语,粤语”
(2)该职位招人为rolling base,招到合适为止,尽早投递为好
About Us
Found in 2008, Primus Financial Holdings (Primus) is an investment arm of the greater Primus Group, an Asia-based private equity fund focused on acquisition opportunities of financial services. Members of the Primus Group include PFH Partnership Holdings and PMN Capital.
Primus is a strategic operator in the financial service field with significant permanent capital, deep operational experience, and long-term financial capabilities. We operate with unmatched flexibility and a long-term horizon to execute investment strategies. Our team of experienced veterans and industry experts who help pioneered and managed several prominent financial institutions include Citigroup’s Asia Institutional Clients Group and Fubon Financial Holding, one of Taiwan’s largest financial service conglomerates. Primus leverages the direct operational, managerial and deal origination experience built by the team during their tenure at these prominent financial institutions.
Areas of investment interest are focused but not limited to Financial Institutions, Biotechnology, Internet and Energy. Unlike other institutions, we are unencumbered by legacy assets and are knowledgeable about local regulations and operating environment which allows expeditious execution.
Position 1
Investor Relation Associate
Location:Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo
Position Type:Winter/Summer Intern,Full time
o Manage client accounts as well as proactively build, develop and maintain strong direct relationships with clients and work closely with the Private Banking team to deliver the required level of business.
o Participate in general client service activities including: answering investment inquiries; tracking and distributing informational materials; editing, reviewing and assisting in report planning.
o Respond to investor requests in a timely manner with a keen sense of prioritization.
o Assist with the organization and execution of investor meetings and conference calls.
o Perform original market, competitive, and fund performance analysis.
o Conduct comprehensive due diligence on each potential client opportunity: timely and extensive research on prospective clients and/or opportunities using both internal and external sources.
o Undergraduate degree required, or working towards an graduate degree for Summer Intern positions
o MBA, CFA or Master Degree welcomed
o Industry licenses or designations welcomed
o Previous experience working in the financial services industry in a client facing marketing role preferred
o Strong written, verbal and interpersonal communication skills to clearly articulate sophisticated concepts, ideas, and processes
o Strong analytical and quantitative skills including data mining and interpretation
o Full proficiency in PowerPoint and Excel
o Disciplined organization and project management skills, ambitious work ethic and professional disposition
o An interest in innovative finance
Position 2
Investment Analyst
Location:Hongkong, New York, Tokyo
Position Type:Winter/Summer Intern,Full time
The entry-level Investment Analyst will work with the Investment Management team to provide precise analysis effort and assist team with underwriting.
o Conduct in-depth research and due diligence on prospective investment targets
o Interpret company financial statements and provide insights on company stands
o Construct and maintain accurate valuation models based on various economic scenarios
o Perform post-transaction performance tracking for portfolio companies
o Participate in meetings with investors and due diligence service providers
o Collaborate and build partnerships with leading industry experts
o Provide qualitative and quantitative summaries of various investment management projects
o Candidates will have a Bachelor's degree, preferably with a quantitative orientation such as Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Engineering, or Finance.
o CFA, or other industry licenses/designations preferred
Competency and requirements
o Previous work experience in any of these fields: capital markets, investment banking, private equity, real estate, management consulting
o Sound financial knowledge. Strong analytical and quantitative skills including financial model construction, data manipulation, valuation
o Full proficiency in PowerPoint and Excel. Experienced in financial data retrieval tools
o Disciplined organization, ambitious work ethic and professional disposition
FROM 116.51.27.*