1. Clipping reports(新闻简报);
2. Meida Relation、Media Pool Maintain(媒体维护);
3. Translation、Drafting press release/newsletter (中英文稿件翻译,新闻稿撰写);
4. 活动类:活动前期调研准备(包括邀请函、礼品、样品),活动现场on site。
5. 除此以外,你还有机会和New Digital和Marketing research团队的合作做项目。
1. 知名4A PR agency 的实习经历,若你有志于从事PR、Marketing、Media类工作,这会是非常好的起点;
2. Line manager 及Team在专业知识、技能方面的教导。尤其可以在实际工作中锻炼良好的沟通能力、写作能力、合理规划工作的能力;
3. WE主要服务于高科技类客户,带你走进科技前沿了解市场趋势;
4. 公司氛围轻松活泼、办公室环境优雅大气、零食冷饮下午茶一应俱全;
1. 大三/大四保研或出国/研一、二的同学;
2. 更偏好新闻传播/英语/中文专业;
3. 文字功底好,喜欢写作,英文好;
4. 机灵:悟性好、较强的调研能力,学习能力,沟通协调能力;
5. 责任心:工作认真细心、配合团队合作;
6. 每周能提供3-4天,并能保证3-6个月左右的实习期。
Waggener Edstrom Communications (
HTTPS://WWW.WE-WORLDWIDE.COM/) has a unique opportunity for a Creative Services Lead in APAC who is looking to pack a punch with some BIG name brands and collaborate with players from the fields of advertising, communications, big data and social digital marketing. The role will be closely aligned with various cross-functional disciplines like strategy, insights and account teams. The company is known for creating transformative storytelling experiences for its clients by successfully harmonizing client needs and agency business goals.
FROM 202.167.250.*