1、 处理日常业务财务数据分析
2、 协助制作市场调研报告和商业分析报告
3、 科技领域数据信息收集及行业研究任务
4、 组织安排团队活动和文化建设
1、 正式实习合同
2、 实习工资及实习证明
3、 各种职业技能培训与讲座(与正式员工等同的参与机会)
4、 舒适的办公环境(零食、水果、饮料等等)、轻松愉快的团队氛围、灵活的办公时间
5、 过往实习生评价请参考知乎或看准网(
1、 在读研究生或大四保研,可以保证实习时间
2、 会计/经济/金融/统计/财管/国际贸易等相关专业优先
3、 卓越的分析能力和逻辑思考能力,工作认真细致
4、 良好的团队精神,积极协作,善于沟通
5、 可适应英文办公环境
6、 每周至少4天到岗,实习期6个月
招聘人数 :2人
投递邮箱:yuchen.jennifer.liu@intel.com, 简历命名:姓名-学校-年级-专业-可保证实习期。
Job Description
o Become part of a Finance team actively engaged in day to day Finance activities like data analysis, project creation, problem solving, and brainstorming. It's a dynamic and fast moving environment that demands a driven, focused and flexible individual.
o The finance team is central to everything that Intel does. Every project has finance at its core, whether it's upgrading and maintaining our facilities, building new facilities, planning and control of manufacturing and operational expense, general accounting, treasury and revenue.
o In short you'll develop an understanding of our business, a business that thrives on teamwork, embracing career development and challenging all individuals.
1. Masters or senior year undergraduate.
2. To apply you must have education background with Accounting/Business/Finance/Statistics and finance related degree
3. Dedicated, motivated, reliable individuals who are capable of working well in a team environment.
4. English proficiency is required.
5. At least 4 days per week, no less than 6 months
o 157 RMB/day (for graduate students)
o Please send your CV to yuchen.jennifer.liu@intel.com, named as your name - university - grade – major - available periods
FROM 192.102.204.*