have eleven resume tips to help students and grads write a professional resume that not only gets past the machines and attracts the eye of a recruiter, but stands out against other job seekers. Our Definitive Guide to Resume Writing for Entry Level dive into these tips:
Be specific about yourself. A big mistake you can make is to describe yourself generically
The right format. Take advantage especially of the top half of your resume.
Getting past the machines that scan your resume. Don’t assume a pdf is okay, and don’t try any tricks.
Tailoring your resume. Another big mistake is to submit the same resume for many jobs.
Video resumes. When and how should you use them?
Tips for engineers. We got some good tips from a recruiter at Intel.
Proofread. Proofread, proofread.
Following up after submitting the resume. You’re not done after you hit “apply”.
Resumes for your second job out of college. Learn tips for what to change on your resume.
Read the Definitive Guide to Resume Writing for Students and Grads
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