MSD (master survey database) is a centrialized mongo database which stores all survey data from different sources, it is required by well planning, the survey data of MSD will guide user to design safety trajectory plan after running Anti-Collison analysis. It also provide a portal site to allow authorized user to manage survey data in MSD.
The intern mainly helps to :
1. Design and implement more test cases and auto scripts for MSD contract test
2. Setup E2E test CI pipeline for Azure integtration test server and production staging server
3. Setup the test infrustructure for MSD End-to-End tests and design and initialized some sample tests
1. Basic knowledge of OO programming.
2. Programming skills (javascrips, C#, Java, C++ etc. no limitation)
3. Nice to have hands-on experience for Teamcity, jasmine, protractor
4. can work 4 months, 4-5 days per week
投递简历:请将您的中英文简历(附照片)发送至hr-bgc@slb.com,将邮件及简历命名为:“【2018实习】职位—学校—专业—姓名--学历/年级--实习时长--入职时间”(例:【2018实习】Software Developer—XX大学—数学科学系—张三—硕士二年级—6个月—2017.11.20
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