【校招/实习】量化研究员-机器学习- Akuna Capital-美国顶尖做市商
o 你对量化研究有兴趣吗?
o 你对加入国际顶尖量化团队有兴趣吗?
o 你对做市商,期权,期货有兴趣吗?
o 你对美国的(芝加哥)培训机会有兴趣吗?
About Akuna Capital
Akuna Capital成立于2011年,总部位于芝加哥。七年来,Akuna已经快速成长为美国顶尖的金融自营交易公司,全球有200多人,并逐步向全世界扩张。目前在上海,悉尼,波士顿设有分部,交易的金融产品包括期权,期货,加密数字货币等。Akuna专注于前沿技术、数据驱动决策,自动化交易,量化交易。我们没有投资人,运用自有资金,自主设计研发低延迟高性能交易系统,研发交易策略,构建量化数学模型,为金融交易提供有竞争力的报价。
上海团队成立于2014年底, 成员来自海内外名校名企。技术氛围浓厚,掌握从软件到硬件全球最前沿的低延迟交易技术,目前主要负责美国,香港市场交易的连接,策略,定价,产品等的开发和研究,也在积极拓展亚洲其他市场。公司倡导 work smart and efficiently。你所需要做的是开动脑筋,提高代码质量和优化架构设计,提高系统速度和量化研究。
o 职位申请: www.akunacapital.com
o 微信咨询:akunacapital
o 2019 暑期实习(只考虑2020毕业)
o 清晰,有逻辑性阐述自己的想法的表达
o 技术: Python, 数学,数据分析,机器学习
o 渴望学习成长,反应快,注重细节
o 期望加入一个国际化顶尖量化团队
o 英文沟通流利:你将和悉尼,芝加哥合作紧密
o 有竞争力的薪资, 高于BAT
o 海外(芝加哥)培训机会
o 持续性,系统性的技术和金融培训:新员工2个月培训,每个月定期2次培训
o 20 天带薪年假,工作生活平衡,很少加班
o 年度海外旅游, 午餐补贴, 商业医疗保险, 年度体检,每月团建
Akuna Capital is a young and booming trading firm with a strong focus on cutting-edge technology, data driven decisions and automation. Our core competency is providing liquidity as an options market-maker – meaning we provide competitive quotes that we are willing to both buy and sell. To do this successfully we design and implement our own low latency technologies, trading strategies and mathematical models.
What you’ll do as a Junior Quantitative Researcher at Akuna:
Akuna’s Quantitative Trading and Research team is looking to add Junior Quant Researchers to a team of mathematicians, statisticians and technologists. This team creates trading strategies scientifically by combining its quantitative expertise with sophisticated understanding of derivatives and financial markets.
We are looking for talented researchers who can apply and develop machine learning algorithms to contribute to Akuna’s strategy portfolio. In this role you will:
oDevelop trading strategies using statistical and machine learning algorithms
oDesign and implement optimization algorithms for portfolio construction
oAdvance existing initiatives and explore opportunities for new research topics
Qualities that make great candidates
oBS/MS/ PhD in Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics (or a related subject) must be completed upon employment
oExpertise in statistics and machine learning
oIntermediate programming skills in Python (C++ is a plus)
oExperience of working on practical applications with real-world datasets
oFinancial experience is not a requirement
oGood English and Chinese communication
FROM 180.169.221.*