该职位将Machine learning/ Deep learning应用在全新的EDA领域。
Position Description:
1. Responsible for modeling the difficult problems in the domain of high level synthesis with neural network.
2. Responsible for designing and implementing neural networks to improve current high level synthesis design flow.
Position Requirements:
1. Deep understanding of machine learning and deep learning
2. Familiar with at least one main stream open source deep learning library, such as TensorFlow, Keras, Theano, Mxnet, CNTK, …
3. Familiar with the latest progress in the domain of deep learning, such as generative adversarial networks, attention model, deep reinforcement learning, ResNet, ….
4. Able to quickly understand a paper and implement its algorithm using the libraries mentioned aboveC
5. Experience applying deep learning to the domains other than image/speech/natural language is preferred.
6: With coding experience in C/MATAB/Python.
7. Length of internship: 6 months at least, and 3 days per week.
赛灵思(Xilinx)是一家位于美国的可编程逻辑器件的生产商。该公司发明了现场可编程逻辑门阵列,并由此成名。赛灵思还是第一个无厂半导体公司(Fabless)。28nm时代,赛灵思提出All Programmable的概念,从单一的FPGA企业战略转型为All Programmable FPGA、SoC和3D IC的全球领先提供商。且行业领先的器件与新一代设计环境以及IP完美地整合在一起,可满足客户对可编程逻辑乃至可编程系统集成的广泛需求。
赛灵思于1984年创建于美国加利福尼亚州的硅谷,总部位于硅谷核心的圣何塞,并在科罗拉多州、爱尔兰、新加坡、 印度、中国、日本拥有分支机构。赛灵思北京研发中心有一支致力于提供业界最好的FPGA高层综合工具的团队。
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