职位名称:IBM i 测试工程师
- 在读计算机及相关专业研究生优先
- 扎实的计算机专业知识,特别是操作系统,数据库,软件工程,编程语言等
- 基本的软件测试,分析调试能力
- Java或C/C++知识,能理解测试脚本
- 熟悉 Apache HTTP Server , 对HTTP 的模块及指令有基本的概念跟理解
- 良好的中英文沟通能力,认真负责
- 优秀的团队合作,热爱学习和分享
- 自我激励和技术热情,创造性思维和解决问题的能力
- 熟悉 Jmeter 等接口测试工具, 有github的使用经验
- 擅长测试自动化开发者优先
- 熟悉 TLS
IBM i Tester
- Graduated in computer science and related majors
- Solid computer expertise, especially operating systems, databases, software engineering, programming languages, etc.
- Basic software testing, analysis and debugging
- Knowledge of Java or C/C++
- Familiar with Apache HTTP Server, have basic concepts and understanding of HTTP modules and directives
- Good oral and written skills in English
- Good team player and quick learner
- Self-motivation, creative thinking and problem-solving skills
Expected skills:
- Familiar with TLS
- Familiar with interface testing tools such as Jmeter, and have experience in using github
- Good at test automation skills
简历请发送至 xiejue@cn.ibm.com
FROM 222.129.51.*