Title: Graduate Intern – Intel Labs
Location: Beijing
Your responsibility is to implement effective Personalized/Social TV, Mobile experiences and to perform independent study in user experience creation and enhancements for embedded devices. You are also responsible for creating user flow and wire-frames, prototyping and delivering concepts and detail design for an experimental system.
You should be a PhD or master student in Computer Science or related discipline with strong programming skills and good research aptitude. Specifically, you should be familiar with user experience process and methodologies, able to build both high-fidelity and low-fidelity user interface design prototypes in Flash, Director, or HTML, and have experience with major design, multimedia, and operating system software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver, Visio, Linux, Meego, Android. Strong visual design ability and familiarity with consumer electronics products, product interfaces, and industry standards/trends is a plus.
IT intern – Networking and IP communication.
Job Description: Responsibilities may be quite diverse of an exempt technical nature. U.S. experience and education requirements will vary significantly depending on the unique needs of the job. Job assignments are usually for the summer or for short periods during breaks from school.
You must be a Ph.D. or a Master of Science degree candidate in Computer Science focusing on IP communications and security. Additional qualifications include:
- Solid background on IP related protocols and Mobile IP
- Deep understanding and knowledge on Security (IPsec, security in mobile networks, EAP, 802.1i)
- Solid understanding of WiMAX 802.16e standard
- Strong background in mobile and IP networks
- Good programming skills including C*, C++*, and Java*
- Self-motivated and be able to work independently as well as a team member
FROM 221.219.111.*