本部门接受 企业治理/IT治理 相关方向的在读博士生同学报名,
IBM is pleased to announce the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship program for the
2011-2012 academic year. We have received many outstanding and
exceptional candidates from universities all over the world in the
past and encourage your particip
ation. IBM Ph.D. Fellowship nominations may be made by faculty
members from September 22 through November 2, 2010. Please note
there are changes to the program scope, for details go to
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards Program is an intensely competitive
worldwide program, which honors exceptional Ph.D. students who have
an interest in solving problems of interest to IBM and which are
fundamental to innovation in many academic disciplines and areas of
study. These include: computer science and engineering, electrical
and mechanical engineering, physical sciences (including chemistry,
material sciences, and physics), mathematical sciences (including
analytics, statistics, operations research, and optimization),
business sciences (including financial services, risk management,
marketing, communications, and learning/knowledge management), and
service science, management, and engineering (SSME). Additional
details are in the attached poster.
Preference will be given to students who have had an IBM
internship, or have closely collaborated with technical or services
people from IBM, or have co-authored papers, or have faculty
research advisors who are close IBM collaborators.
The IBM Ph.D. Fellowship program also supports our long-standing
commitment to workforce diversity. IBM values diversity in the
workplace and encourages nominations of women, minorities and all
who contribute to that diversity.
FROM 202.108.130.*