职位:Intern System Engineer – Globalization Team
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邮件标题:姓名_职位_可实习时间_持续实习期。例如:张三_Intern Quality Engineer_每周四天_连续六个月
雅虎是全球访问量最大的互联网站点之一。作为雅虎三大研发中心之一,北京雅虎全球研发中心成立于2008年12月,是由雅虎美国全资控股和运营的子公司。中心专注于围绕Yahoo! 全球业务,开展世界一流的产品及平台研发,其领域涵盖Yahoo! 全球所有的核心产品,包括广告、搜索、移动、媒体、社交、内 容、云计算和客户端应用。我们致力于科学与工程的紧密结合、移动互联网应用,旨在为互联网和移动互联网用户提供最好的体验,也为加强中外互联网业界的交流创造条件。
Company: Beijing Yahoo! Global R&D
Title: Intern System Engineer – Globalization Team
Job Location: Beijing, PRC
Contact: jobs-bj@yahoo-inc.com
1. Be able to work over 3 days a week for at least 3 months (some positions require at least 6 months).
2. Enrolled as student during the whole internship period.
Position Summary:
Yahoo! Global R&D in Beijing is fully owned and operated by United States based Yahoo! Inc. The Platform Libraries team in Beijing is working with the counterpart team in headquarters closely to deliver a set of libraries and tools, which are used across almost all Yahoo! properties. We are seeking full time interns who have solid software development training to help deliver these libraries and tools. In this position, you will be working with the most talented people in the industry, and will have the chance to impact the whole Yahoo!.
1. B.S. or M.S. student in CS or related fields.
2. Good programming skills with C/C++.
3. Good problem solving skills and communication skills.
4. Experience with Linux platform, web development with Perl/PHP/JavaScript is preferred.
5. Minimum 6-month full-time availability.
FROM 117.104.188.*