Microsoft Research Asia is recruiting interns for Stars of Tomorrow Internship Program.
微软亚洲研究院是微软公司在美国本土之外最大的基础科研机构,被美国著名技术杂志MIT 《Technology Review》誉为“世界上最火的计算机实验室”。 自1998年成立以来,启动了面向亚太区高校博士生、硕士生和优秀本科生的“明日之星”实习生项目。该项目由微软亚洲研究院和国内外高校共同执行,旨在培养高素质的计算机基础研究人才。实习生进入微软亚洲研究院后深入到每个研究小组进行为期三个月或更长时间的实习。截止至2010年10月,已有4300名来自亚太区高校的学生到微软亚洲研究院实习,平均每年有400个实习机会开放给所有的学生。
Position: Full-time Intern
Group: University Relations Group
Quantity: 1
Work Location: Beijing
Group Overview
The University Relations (UR) program nurtures strong mutually supportive partnerships between MSR Asia and the academic community. Since MSR Asia’s inception, the University Relations program has recognized the inherent value of the academic research community and the need for collaboration between academia and industry to advance the state-of-the-art in computer science. The foundation for all Microsoft Research’s University Relations efforts is a deep respect for the “virtuous cycle” that is created when university and industry researchers work together.
Roles & Responsibilities
1. Work with experienced software developers and project managers in MSRA on Microsoft Academic Search project to collect and verify publication data of given organizations and authors.
2. Draft and collect information for brochures, newsletters, video, feature stories and etc.
3. Provide support to UR internal and external events.
Required Qualifications:
1. Good at data collection and analysis;
2. Proved student activity organization experience;
3. Strong English and Chinese writing skills;
4. Good communication skill and excellent teamwork;
5. Good attitude on daily work; cautious, passionate;
6. Computer Science related background;
7. Can work at least 3 months or longer; can get advisor’s approval;
FROM 207.46.92.*