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发信人: Routing (犇), 信区: DEE.THU
标 题: Hulu软件公司招聘实习生——Research/SDE/SDET/PM
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Mar 8 13:30:15 2011), 站内
Hulu是一家成立于2007年,由NBC环球、新闻集团、美国私募股权投资公司和迪斯尼共同控股的在线视频公司。短短3年,Hulu已经在洛杉矶、北京、纽约、旧金山、芝加哥以及西雅图建立了自己的团队,并成为全美最大的专业视频网站。北京是Hulu在洛杉矶总部之外最大的研发中心,目前有员工共70人。北京团队参与搜索、推荐、视频、播放器研发和网站建设等各个重要领域,是Hulu最年轻和最活跃的技术力量。作为一个在质量上精益求精的公司,Hulu一直坚持寻找最优秀的技术人员,并极力创造自由的环境,让所有的技术人员,不管是员工还是实习生,都能保持独立性、创新性和自主性,从而激发最大的潜能。如果你热爱充满活力的互联网行业,如果你愿意和我们年轻而优秀的技术人员并肩工作,如果你希望在自由的环境里实现个人价值,加入Hulu吧! 和我们一起开创在线视频的未来!
Please send your resume to beijingjobs@hulu.com.
Work Location: Tsinghua Science Park, Beijing
Position 1: Research Intern-Search
(1) Utilize statistical models to identify interesting content and increase user satisfaction;
(2) Develop learning to ranking techniques, including personalization;
(3) Lead efforts in query classification and natural language processing;
(4) Create features with spelling correction and auto-completion;
(5) Optimize query response time, and address challenges in timely index
updates, and robust availability.
(1) Knowledge and expertise in the areas of Machine learning, Data mining,
Natural language processing and Information retrieval.
(2) A proven record of algorithm development in the area of information
retrieval, machine learning, or natural language processing with evidence of high-quality research results through publications in referred journals,
conferences or standardization contributions.
(3) Ph D in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science or related fields.
Position 2: Research Intern- Video Coding
(1) Contribute to the development of video coding and streaming.
(2) Improving the quality of streaming media system and increasing user
(3) Actively involved in developing and refining technology for emerging video coding systems.
(4) Provide better coding efficiency of state-of-the-art technology with
specific emphasis on future large size and mobile displays.
(1) Working knowledge of state-of-the-art video coding systems, such as MPEG-
AVC/ITU-T H.264;
(2) Expertise in the areas of entropy coding, motion compensation or transform design is preferred.
(3) Hands-on experience of MPEG or ITU-T reference software.
(4) A proven record of algorithm development in the area of video compression with evidence of high-quality research results through publications in referred journals, conferences or standardization contributions.
(5) Strong ability to apply your mathematical, algorithmic and other expertise to solve real problems.
(6) Ph D in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science or related fields.
Position 3: Software Developer Intern
(1) Develop, maintain, and enhance applications and services.
(2) Invent novel solutions to challenging problems.
(3) Diagnose and debug issues in a production environment.
(4) Collaborate with researchers, program managers, and product designers in an
open, creative environment.
(1) Computer Science background, BS or better.
(2) 1-2 years demonstrated coding skills in Java/C#/C/C++ or other related
programming languages.
(3) Experience in building data-driven services and applications.
(4) Independent, energetic, highly technical, and capable of driving for results under pressure and ambiguity.
(5) Experience building web-based applications is a plus.
Position 4: Software Developer /Test Intern
(1) In charge of the quality assurance effort for our online video service.
(2) Develop, maintain, and enhance both unit testing and scenario testing
(3) Establish engineering best practices such as test automation, build
verification, and deployment plans.
(4) Improve the overall productivity of all of your co-workers by identifying tools and processes to increase overall efficiency.
(5) Collaborate with researchers, program managers, product designers, and
interns in an open, creative environment.
(1) Computer Science background, BS or better.
(2) 1-2 years demonstrated coding skills in Java/C#/C/C++ or other related
programming languages.
(3) Experience in building data-driven services and applications.
(4) Independent, energetic, highly technical, and capable of driving for results under pressure and ambiguity.
(5) Good test sense, detail orientation.
Position 5: Program Manager Intern
(1) Assist in product design and project planning of various initiatives in Hulu Beijing.
(2) Will actively collaborate with designers, developers, and testers in
ensuring the best possible deliverable for the business and our users.
(1) CS Background.
(2) Diverse technical and business knowledge.
(3) Solid developer experience preferred.
(4) Highly motivated, independent and proactive.
(5) Able to take initiative and risk with good judgment.
(6) Strong analytical, technical, and communication skills are essential for this role.
FROM 202.106.222.*