一样的, 国外有些难题搞比赛
比如无人驾驶, 太阳能汽车
胡正明的finfet 据说也是darpa的比赛
Building on the exploration of new materials and integration schemes from the early 1990s, DARPA launched a program to develop transistors beyond the 25-nm-size threshold in 1995. The research efforts completed under the program led to FinFETs (Fin Field Effect Transistors) based on a novel 3-D transistor design that leverages protruding fin-like silicon structures, which allow multiple gates to operate on a single transistor. Today, leading chipmakers continue to use FinFET technology to scale transistors down to 7 nm.
【 在 angusta 的大作中提到: 】
: 中国就是这么搞的,叫养蛊,或者赛马,也就是内卷。
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