The next talk of the webinar Control in Times of Crisis will be given by Delphine Bresch-Pietri (Mines Paristech, Paris), see title and abstract below.
Talks will be given at
10 AM in Mexico / 11: 00 AM in Chile / 12:00 PM in Brazil / 5:00 PM in European Central Time (Berlin, Roma, Madrid, Paris) on Thursday Mai 27
on the Zoom videoconference platform (ID and access code are given below).
Speaker : Delphine Bresch-Pietri (Mines Paristech, Paris)
Title: Control of linear and nonlinear systems subject to a random input delay
Abstract: This talk will study the stabilization problem of Ordinary Differential Equations subject to a random input delay, modeled as a Markov process with a finite number of states. We propose to robustly compensate for the random delay with a constant-time horizon prediction based-controller. Recasting the dynamics as a cascade of hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations into an ODE, we prove well-posedness of the closed-loop system and provide sufficient conditions for its mean-square stability. These conditions bear on the range of the delay values, which has to be sufficiently narrow, and the prediction horizon which should stay sufficiently close to the potential delay values. We will illustrate the numerical relevance of these conditions on linear and nonlinear systems. Finally, we will draw methodological perspectives for the analysis of stochastic cascades of ODE-PDE systems.
To connect to the ZOOM meeting:
ID de reunión: 955 4576 8919
Código de acceso: CTC2020
FROM 202.121.181.*