this is a reminder for today's seminar, Friday June 4th at 16.00 Paris time (CEST), on Zoom.
The speaker will be Yves Colin de Verdière (Institut Fourier), who will give a talk with title: " Geodesics and Laplace spectrum on 3D contact sub-Riemannian manifolds: the Reeb flow".
Abstract: Joint work with Luc Hillairet (Orléans) and Emmanuel Trélat
(Paris). A 3D closed manifold with a contact distribution and a metric on it
carries a canonical contact form. The associated Reeb flow plays a central
role for the asymptotics of the geodesics and for the spectral asymptotics of
the Laplace operator. I plan to describe it using some Birkhoff normal forms.
Direct Zoom link:
On behalf of the organizers (Ugo Boscain, Enrico Le Donne, Luca Rizzi, Mario Sigalotti, Emmanuel Trélat)
FROM 202.121.181.*