Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Sonja Hohloch (Antwerp, Belgium)
"Hamiltonian S^1-actions and integrable systems"
15:00-16:00 GMT
(08:00 Los Angeles, 10:00 Mexico City, 11:00 New York, 12:00 Rio de Janeiro, 16:00 London, 17:00 Rome, 18:00 Moscow, 20:30 Delhi, 23:00 Beijing, 01:00 Sydney)
Zoom ID: 893 2843 8983
Zoom Password: 535881
Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss recent progress towards a symplectic classification of 2-degree of freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems with S^1-symmetry and mildly degenerate singularities. In particular, we will explain how to extend an arbitrary effective Hamiltonian S^1-action on a compact 4-dimensional manifold to a 2-degree of freedom integrable system with only mild degeneracies (if any).
The Zoom Meeting opens 15 minutes earlier for socialization.
FROM 185.80.222.*