Mean field games master equations with non-separable Hamiltonian
Time & Venue:
2021.10.18 10:00-11:00 腾讯会议号:653 890 754
In this talk, we give a structural condition on non-separable Hamiltonians, which we term displacement monotonicity condition, to study second order mean field games master equations. A rate of dissipation of a bilinear form is brought to bear a global (in time) well-posedness theory, based on a--priori uniform Lipschitz estimates in the measure variable. Displacement monotonicity being sometimes in
dichotomy with the widely used Lasry-Lions monotonicity condition, the novelties of this work persist even when restricted to separable Hamiltonians. This is based on the joint work with W. Gangbo, A. Meszaros, J. Zhang.
FROM 202.121.181.*