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报告题目: Geometric control theory, sub-Riemannian geometry, and their applications
报 告 人: Professor Yuri L. Sachkov
报告人所在单位: Russian Academy of Sciences
报告日期: 2022-03-15
报告时间: 16:30 – 17:30
报告地点: ZOOM Meeting ID: 878 1712 1063 Passcode: 345958
The mini-course of 6 lectures will be devoted to introduction to geometric control theory and its applications. It will cover the questions of controllability, optimal control, and sub-Riemannian geometry. Applications will include PDEs, metric geometry on Lie groups, mechanics, robotics, and vision.
The lecture course include the following topics:
1. Examples and statements of control problems
2. Local controllability of nonlinear systems
3. Orbit theorem, Frobenius theorem, Krener’s theorem
4. Pontryagin maximum principle
5. Sub-Riemannian geometry on Lie groups
6. Applications of sub-Riemannian geometry to PDEs and metric geometry on Lie groups
7. Applications of geometric control to mechanics, robotics, and vision.
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