发布者好像忘写今天的题目了,甚至连zoom号都忘了,这是新秘书么。。。btw, Rome time
【 在 vinbo 的大作中提到: 】
: We are organizing a reading seminar focused on the recent works of Kleiner, Müller and Xie
https://www.math.kit.edu/iag2/~gabriel/page/kmx/.: The goal of this hybrid (online and in-person) study group is to understand the recent contribution of Kleiner, Müller and Xie on mappings between Carnot groups.
: To make the seminars more accessible to a wider audience who may not be familiar with the subRiemannian setting, we will start with a couple of introductory seminars on Carnot groups and the concept of Pansu differentiability.
: ...................
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