We are organizing a reading seminar focused on the recent works of Kleiner, Müller and Xie
https://www.math.kit.edu/iag2/~gabriel/page/kmx/.The goal of this hybrid (online and in-person) study group is to understand the recent contribution of Kleiner, Müller and Xie on mappings between Carnot groups.
To make the seminars more accessible to a wider audience who may not be familiar with the subRiemannian setting, we will start with a couple of introductory seminars on Carnot groups and the concept of Pansu differentiability.
The first talk will be given by me on Friday the 17th of February at 14.00 on Carnot groups at Sala Seminari of Centro De Giorgi (Palazzo Puteano).
Going forward, we are planning to cover the following topics:
- Tuesday 21/02 at 14.00: Pansu differentiation theorem (introductory);
- Tuesday 28/02 at 14.00: Differential forms on Carnot groups;
- Friday 03/03 at 14.00: The Rumin complex on Carnot groups;
- Tuesday 07/03 at 14.00: Quasiconformal and quasisymmetric maps on Carnot groups;
- Friday 10/03 at 14.00: Sobolev-Poincaré inequalities on Carnot groups;
- Tuesday 14/03 at 14.00 (and next dates to be determined): Rigidity of Sobolev mappings and its applications to the large-scale geometry of nilpotent groups.
Interested people can write to francesca.tripaldi@sns.it to be added to the mailing list and to the Teams channel.
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