SPEAKER: Janusz Grabowski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
TITLE: Contact Hamiltonians and contact reductions
ABSTRACT: I will start with explaining how to view naturally Contact Geometry as a chapter of Symplectic Geometry. This understanding of contact structures serves for general contact structures and is very effective in applications. Instead of ad hoc definitions in the contact case, we have therefore obvious concepts coming from the standard symplectic picture. In particular, the contact Hamiltonian Mechanics, extensively studied nowadays, can be fully expressed in terms of the traditional symplectic one. Also a natural understanding of contact reductions with respect to group actions comes easily from the Marsden-Weinstein-Meyer symplectic reduction.
TIME: Thursday, 9 March 2023
4pm GMT
11am Toronto
1pm Rio
4pm UK
5pm Central Europe
12am (day+1) Hong Kong
5pm Warsaw
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