The dynamic brain: mechanisms and models of sensation, decision-making and control
Jian Liu
University of Leeds
2023-06-19 09:00 ~ 11:00, in 6 days (Asia/Shanghai Time)
Room 342, No. 6 Science Building
The brain is a highly dynamic machine for routing information through different levels from dendritic spines to neural circuitry for the function of sensation, decision-making to control. To implement these functions, the brain utilizes some stereotypical structures with rich types of cells having complex dendritic trees and a diversity of synaptic dynamics and neural pathways between cells. Here, I will discuss some of our work on neural dynamics exampled as the analysis of brain signals and modeling of the brain, from the perspective of the mechanisms and phenomena of brain dynamics and the application of brain-inspired artificial intelligence computational models. As proof of concept, I will highlight that the revealed computational mechanisms in the brain can provide new insights into applications to robotics, medicine, and brain-machine interface.
Dr Jian Liu received his Ph.D. in mathematics from UCLA, USA, then worked as Postdoc Fellow at CNRS, France, and University of Goettingen, Germany. After taking positions at TU Graz and University of Leicester, he is currently a Lecturer at the School of Computing, University of Leeds. His research interests include fundamental questions of neural computation, computational neuroscience, and brain-inspired computation for artificial intelligence, as well as applications to robotics, medicine, and brain-machine interface. He has over 60 research papers published in Nat. Commun., Nat. Biomed. Eng., eLife, J. Neurosci., PLoS Comput. Biol., IEEE Transactions series, and conferences of NeurIPS/CVPR/AAAI/BMVC. His research was funded by European Commission, UK Royal Society, UK Medical Research Council, and industrial partners.
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