Global dynamics of evolution systems with asymptotic annihilation
时间 Datetime
2023-07-05 14:00 — 15:00
地点 Venue
腾讯会议 APP()
报告人 Speaker
单位 Affiliation
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
腾讯会议号:656846022 密码:651177
报告摘要 Abstract
This talk introduces our work on the global dynamics for a large class of evolution systems with uniform asymptotic annihilation. We first introduce the concept of the asymptotic spectral radius and study the associated principal eigenvalue problem. Then we establish the asymptotic annihilation and the threshold dynamics for such systems. Finally we apply the developed theory to investigate the global attractivity of a positive fixed point for an integro-difference equation and the propagation phenomenon for cooperative reaction-diffusion systems with a shifting habitat.
FROM 211.161.245.*