Results and open problems on the algebraic limit cycles of the planar polynomial differential systems
时间 Datetime
2023-10-10 14:00 — 16:00
地点 Venue
报告人 Speaker
Professor Jaume Llibre
单位 Affiliation
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
邀请人 Host
肖冬梅, 张祥
备注 remarks
报告摘要 Abstract
In this talk we summarize some results and open problems on the algebraic limit cycles of the planar polynomial differential systems. More precisely,
(i). we study the maximum number of algebraic limit cycles of the polynomial differential differential systems of degree n;
(ii). we show how to use the algebraic limit cycles for proving that any finite configuration of limit cycles can be realized by some polynomial differential system;
(iii). we provide the maximum number of algebraic limit cycles formed by circles that a polynomial differential system of degree $n$ can exhibit;
(iv) we study the algebraic limit cycles of the polynomial differential systems of degree $2$.
FROM 124.14.41.*