Non-hyperbolic slow-fast systems and chaotic dynamics in a 3d predator-prey system
时间 Datetime
2023-11-24 16:00 — 17:00
地点 Venue
Zoom APP()
报告人 Speaker
Peter de Maesschalck
单位 Affiliation
University of Hasselt
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
Zoom会议号: 88649252316,密码:231124
报告摘要 Abstract
We discuss some benefits of studying purely non-hyperbolic slow-fast systems, at first in the plane, and indicate some directions of ongoing research where these vector fields are relevant. One application will be covered in more detail: we prove that any 1D map (diffeomorphism or not) can be realized as first return map of a 3d-slow fast system with one fast and two slow variables
FROM 202.120.11.*