王晋民博士,Texas A&M University
Scalar curvature problems and Dirac operators
Language: Chinese
Time & Venue:
2023.12.13 09:00-10:00 南楼N933 Zoom会议:837 8334 3288 密码: 1213
The scalar curvature of a Riemannian manifold measures the deviation in volume between a local geodesic ball and a ball of the same radius in Euclidean space. The exploration of scalar curvature holds a pivotal role in modern differential geometry. Employing Dirac operators and index theory stands out as a pivotal methodology in investigating geometric problems related to scalar curvature. My recent research centers around unraveling the relation between scalar curvature and the underlying geometry of the manifold. In this talk, I will survey some classical results, along with some of my recent works, which delve into scalar curvature problems utilizing the Dirac operator method. These contributions lead to solutions for geometric problems inspired by Gromov, and the Stoker problem.
FROM 124.14.47.*