Dear Promoters of Hamiltonian Systems,
The next talk at our seminar by James Montaldi (University of Manchester) -- Bifurcations of equilibria in contact dynamics is on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 12PM EST (18:00 in Europe, 10:00am in Arizona, 9:00am in California).
Abstract: I will describe the structure of the set of eigenvalues of an equilibrium point for a contact dynamical system, and derive from that the types of local codimension-1 bifurcations that can arise. We distinguish between two classes of bifurcation, depending on whether the 'principal eigenvalue' vanishes or not. There are a few surprising results, such as the possibility of fold-Hopf or fold-multi-Hopf bifurcations arising generically.
We'll keep the Zoom coordinates the same:
Zoom at utoronto dot zoom dot us slash j slash 99576627828
Passcode: 448487
FROM 115.173.238.*