Limit cycles and critical periods with non-hyperbolic slow-fast systems
时间 Datetime
2024-03-21 10:00 — 11:30
地点 Venue
报告人 Speaker
Peter de Maesschalck
单位 Affiliation
University Hasselt
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
报告摘要 Abstract
By considering planar slow-fast systems with a double curve of singular points, we obtain lower bounds on the number of limit cycles of polynomial systems surrounding a single singular point as well as lower bounds on the number of critical periods in one annulus of periodic orbits. In some circumstances, orbits of such slow-fast systems are shown to not have the typical slow-fast behaviour but behave more in a hit-and-run style: orbits fastly move towards the critical curve, are briefly paused there and then continue their path.
FROM 202.120.11.*