[Mini Courses] Stability of Hamiltonian systems: from finite dimension to fluid models
时间 Datetime
2024-05-08 14:30 — 17:45
地点 Venue
报告人 Speaker
Zhiwu Lin
单位 Affiliation
Georgia Institute of Technology
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
报告摘要 Abstract
I will discuss some recent results of using Hamiltonian theory to understand some stability problems in fluid models. We will first introduce the basic results in finite dimensional Hamiltonian systems and then describe the generalization to infinite-dimensional cases. We will use two examples to show the application of the general theory. One is the baratropic stability of shear flows in geophysical fluids. The other one is about the turning point principle in the stability of nonrotating and rotaing gaseous stars.
FROM 202.120.11.*