Galois beyond Galois theory: exploring ambiguity
时间 Datetime
2024-07-12 16:30 — 17:30
地点 Venue
报告人 Speaker
Professor Lizhen Ji
单位 Affiliation
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
报告摘要 Abstract
The Galois theory for algebraic equations is well-known to mathematicians and is the most famous contribution of Galois. It is probably less known that Galois also had great results and ideas beyond algebra and number theory. One of the least known and most mysterious contributions of Galois is his theory of ambiguity. Many great mathematicians, such as Lie, Picard, Klein, and Grothendieck, have tried to interpret and realize it to the extent possible.
In this talk, I will give an overview of the origin and impacts of Galois' theory of ambiguity and a new interpretation of it in terms of the theory of monodromy of linear differential equations.We will also explain that this interpretation is made more convincing by Riemann's work on hypergeometric functions and hypergeometric differential equations. Some open problems will also be raised.
FROM 202.120.11.*