On Alexander polynomial of graphs
时间 Datetime
2024-07-22 14:00 — 15:00
地点 Venue
报告人 Speaker
Zhongtao Wu
单位 Affiliation
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
邀请人 Host
备注 remarks
报告摘要 Abstract
The Alexander polynomial has been one of the most important tools in the development of knot theory since its discovery 100 years ago. For spatial graphs, Bao and the speaker defined an analogous invariant. In many aspects, the Alexander polynomial of spatial graphs shares similar topological properties with the classical one for knots; but it also contains certain unique graph theoretical information, such as its evaluation at t=1 gives the number of spanning trees of the graph. This talk aims to give a general introduction to this invariant. We will also mention some recent work in progress, including an intriguing trapezoidal property of the Alexander polynomial of plane graphs.
FROM 202.120.11.*