诺亚方舟(希伯来语:???? ??, Tevat Nōakh
What is the Hebrew name for the ark?
ark, also called Ark Of The Law, Hebrew Aron, orAron Ha-qodesh, (“holy ark”), in Jewish synagogues, an ornate cabinet that enshrines the sacred Torah scrolls used for public worship.
A boat or ship held to resemble the one in which Noah and his family were preserved from the Flood is known as an ark. From this meaning comes the figurative meaning of ark as something that affords protection or safety. Ark is derived from the Latin word arca, meaning “chest,” which is akin to the Latin verb arcēre, meaning “to hold off or defend.” These Latin roots also gave us the use of ark to refer to the sacred chest representing to the Hebrews the presence of God among them and also to a repository that traditionally is in, or against, the wall of a synagogue for the scrolls of the Jewish Torah.
【 在 drei 的大作中提到: 】
: 从英文单词来看,应该是个“拱形”的意思。
: 即没有“方”的含义,也不是什么“舟”,为啥汉译本要翻译成“方舟”?
: 难道是原始的希腊文版本,或者更早的希伯来版本中,用词有“方舟”的意思?
: ...................
FROM 114.253.17.*