【 在 cre 的大作中提到: 】
: To conduct its safety review, the IAEA has organized the work of the Task Force into three main components, the assessment of protection and safety; regulatory activities and processes; and independent sampling, data corroboration, and analysis. Further, the IAEA's independent sampling, data corroboration, and analysis activities include three elements……
: 原子能机构的独立确证活动也将在整个排放过程中继续进行,预计将持续数十年,并将有原子能机构实验室和第三方实验室参与其中。随着时间的推移,原子能机构将展示对源监测和环境监测的这种独立确证结果,以及其对日本相关个人职业辐射防护监测服务能力的确证结果。结果将公布在网站上,以便有关各方更好地获取相关数据
FROM 111.201.24.*