【 在 pkucannot 的大作中提到: 】
: 十大那个帖子完全是狗屁,中国国籍法确实不允许双国籍,不过选择执法的情况多了去了。目前没有任何谷爱凌放弃美国国籍的证据。你说谷爱凌可能已经提交了申请,完全是你一厢情愿的想象。谷爱凌团队拒绝评论她的国籍,并且说自己在美国就是美国人、在中国就是中国人,完全表明她心里就认为自己是双国籍。另外,2021年3月谷爱凌在微博上说她得到了一个美国高中生总统奖的提名,消息如下:
: Gu wrote in her personal Sina Weibo page on 1 March 2021 that she had been recognized as a candidate for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, as a January 2021 nominee from San Francisco University High School;[4][5] she was not ultimately awarded the scholarship,[6] and graduated early from secondary school.[7]
: 这个所谓的US presidential scholars program只颁发给美国公民或者永久居民:
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