【 以下文字转载自 NewExpress 讨论区 】
发信人: caihl (林), 信区: NewExpress
标 题: 裁判有没有问题高知们可以来研究下规则呀
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Feb 8 01:40:53 2022), 站内
关于横切应该重点是这一句吧:Interfere with another Skater by crossing his/her course thereby causing contact;
2. a) The general racing rule is that the Skaters/Relay Teams by their way of
skating shall contribute to the honest sporting and safe progress of the
race in order to determine the result of the race on its merits.
b) Breaches of the racing rules are considered as follows:
- OFF-TRACK: skating with one or both skates on the left side of the
curve, marked by track marking blocks;
- IMPEDING: Impeding, blocking, charging, or pushing another Skater
with any part of the body. Interfere with another Skater by crossing his/her
course thereby causing contact;
- ASSISTANCE: Each Skater shall compete as an individual. Any
assistance from other Skaters will be cause for sanctions of all
Skaters/Relay Teams involved. This will not apply to the push the Skater
receives from their Team-mate in a Relay race;
- KICKING OUT: Kicking out of any skate during any part of a race
thereby causing danger including at the finish line or throwing the body
across the finish line is forbidden.
FROM 111.65.35.*