“The MRPL is the minimum concentration of a Non-Threshold Substance or a Metabolite or Marker of a
Non-Threshold Substance that Laboratories shall be able to detect (Initial Testing Procedure) and
identify (Confirmation Procedure) in routine operations.
o The MRPL is not a Threshold (T) nor is it a Limit of Detection (LOD). Adverse Analytical Findings
(AAFs) may result from concentrations below the established MRPL values;”
对于曲美他嗪,应该是属于Non-threshold substance(这部分我理解为检出即阳性,没有cut off level,未进行确认)
"[Comment: It is recognized that some Laboratories will be able to identify and report these Non-Threshold Substances in lower concentrations than other Laboratories. While such individual capabilities are encouraged in order to improve the overall system, it is also recognized that there are minimum routine detection capabilities (defined by the applicable MRPLs) at which all Laboratories shall operate.] "
修改:cryingleaf FROM 101.95.128.*
FROM 101.95.128.*