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发信人: wahrheit ( ), 信区: People
标 题: 专业人士解释美国游泳队“紫薯脸”,可能服用禁药ITPP。
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Aug 14 18:01:23 2024), 站内
Wikipedia上说可以用液相色谱-质谱联用法(liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry,LC-MS)来检测ITPP。
myo-Inositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP) is an inositol phosphate, a pyrophosphate, a drug candidate, and a putative performance-enhancing substance, which exerts its biological effects by increasing tissue oxygenation.
ITPP is a pyrophosphate derivative of phytic acid with the molecular formula C6H12O21P6. The substance is believed to have a high potential for use in athletic doping, and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry tests have been developed to detect ITPP in urine tests. Its use as a performance-enhancing substance in horse racing has also been suspected and similar tests have been developed for horses.
ITPP is a membrane-permeant allosteric regulator of hemoglobin that mildly reduces its oxygen-binding affinity, which shifts the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right and thereby increases oxygen release from the blood into tissue. Phytic acid, in contrast, is not membrane-permeant due to its charge distribution.
Rodent studies in vivo demonstrated increased tissue oxygenation and dose-dependent increases in endurance during physical exercise, in both healthy mice and transgenic mice expressing a heart failure phenotype.
发信人: youyo (you and me), 信区: NewExpress
标 题: Re: 外网有专业人士解释紫薯脸用药细节了
发信站: 水木社区 (Tue Aug 13 19:59:58 2024), 站内
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